Strategic engagement

Foresight & strategy processes
We develop strategy that prepares you for the future. Without foresight, without understanding the relevant parts of what the future may bring, strategy risks to become mere tactics. Swept away with the next unexpected change on the horizon.More info
Dialogue processes
Guiding participants through a process of interaction is where results are achieved. At Prospex, we understand the micro-processes of insight-building, cooperation and agreement, and the human & group dispositions that may stand in the way.
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Board - level processes
Boards and oversight bodies are charged with taking and reviewing decisions that impact whole organizations.
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Stakeholder engagement
Organizations operate in an ecosystem of different actors or stakeholders. Engaging these promises huge benefits - such as with more buy-in and commitment for strategic action and a better base for decision-making.
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Science, research & innovation engagement
Engaging stakeholders for science & research & innovation faces particular challenges. The scientific topics are demanding, based on histories of prior knowledge, theories & evidence, with sophisticated concepts, terms & abbreviations. Innovation, in contrast, often requires degrees of freedom and association.
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Stakeholder mapping & analysis
Understanding the human ecosystem for your organisation or project is a vital element for engaging stakeholders successfully. We apply a specific method for this purpose: Prospex- CQI.
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Facilitation & moderation
From 2 to 2000 persons - for us at Prospex, delivering live moderation to facilitate the flow of an event is a combination of skill, art and insight.
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Event process design
Reaching objectives through processes of human interaction requires a thoughthrough orchestration of activities. It is the basis for enabling participants to achieve shared results.
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In our practice, events and processes benefit tremendously from a solid empirical & conceptual foundation - specifically for strategic engagement.
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