foresight, strategy & dialogue

Foresight & strategy processes

We develop strategy that prepares you for the future. Without foresight, without understanding the relevant parts of what the
future may bring, strategy risks to become mere tactics. Swept away with the next unexpected change on the horizon.

We apply longer-term foresight with scenario planning, visions, wildcards & discontinuities and early warning signals. We apply short-term foresight with emerging issues and (mega) trend analysis in horizon scanning.

Foresight provides the key for creating the path to the future you seek to achieve – the map on which to create and chart your options, roadmapping, backcasting, and ultimately designing your dynamic strategy.

Dialogue processes

Guiding participants through a process of interaction is where results are achieved. At Prospex, we understand the micro-processes of insight-building, cooperation and agreement, and the human & group dispositions that may stand in the way.

We stand for genuine & profound dialogue as a basis for creating trust among different actors. For this we research and analyze the setting in which you and your organisation are placed in. We carefully designing the dialogue processes on this basis.

We provide facilitation & moderation for the dialogue processes – which can range from one-to-one meetings behind close doors, to workshops, conferences and large scale dialogue events. Our dialogue processes are serious fun – reaching your objectives and enjoyable at the same time.

Board-level processes

Boards and oversight bodies are charged with taking and reviewing decisions that impact whole organizations.

Dialogue, deliberation and decision-making processes at this level require specific sensitivity: for the complexity of information these bodies have to taken into account, for the sophistication of participants, for the human processes involved.

At Prospex, we approach these processes with care and
, aware of the limits of the assignment, understanding our mandate and fulfilling it.


Our consultants have applied the Prospex approach with e.g.




Prospex International GmbH
Münzstrasse 12
10178 Berlin, Germany
+49 30 235 97719