Moderating workshops, events & more

Facilitation & moderation

From 2 to 2000 persons – for us at Prospex, delivering live moderation to facilitate the flow of an event is a combination of skill, art and insight.

It is in the direct engagement with participants that ideas and concepts and ideas are transformed into a whole live experience, Taking panelists and participants on a shared journey, with respect for all involved and with the flexibility to deal with what will come.

Working for you, Prospex facilitators do not pursue their own agenda. They are focused on your objectives. And they put
their experience and expertise they developed in hundreds to settings to guide the process where you aspire to take it.

Event process design

Reaching objectives through processes of human interaction requires a thoughthrough orchestration of activities. It is
the basis for enabling participants to achieve shared results.

Prospex specializes in providing designs for events and for series of engagements with stakeholders and participants – be it analog, digital or hybrid.

We build the designs on all relevant insight & knowledge and co-create the processes in cooperation with you – from a half-day event to a process covering multiple years.

Focused reporting, analysis, research

In our practice, events and processes benefit tremendously from a solid empirical & conceptual foundation – specifically for strategic engagement.

Facts, insights and different perspectives alike are brought together and analyzed, distilling it to focused input for dialogue and strategizing. We work with desk-research, interviews,
surveys as well as, as applicable, with AI-informed research.

We provide focused, user-friendly reporting on the outcome of the strategic engagement and its different steps.


Our consultants have applied the Prospex approach with e.g.




Prospex International GmbH
Rosenstraße 2
Classik Business Space
10178 Berlin, Germany
+49 30 235 97719