Stakeholder engagement with a purpose

Stakeholder engagement

Organizations operate in an ecosystem of different actors or stakeholders. Engaging these promises huge benefits – such as with more buy-in and commitment for strategic action and a better base for decision-making.

We help you reap these benefits and manage the challenges of multi-actor stakeholder engagement, navigating the diverse field of perspectives, positions and interests. Stakeholder engagement is about so much more than communication.

Our genuine dialogues enable to develop a profound, productive & strategic exchange between yourself and the relevant stakeholders. Be it in a one-off event or a strategic process of sustainable stakeholder engagement.

Science, research & innovation engagement

Engaging stakeholders for science & research & innovation faces particular challenges. The scientific topics are demanding, based on histories of prior knowledge, theories & evidence, with sophisticated concepts, terms & abbreviations. Innovation, in contrast, often requires degrees of freedom and association.

While some stakeholders are themselves experts across a domain, others are only in parts or not at all. In our experience, carefully designing & preparing these processes is a sine-qua-non for success. So is rigor in the selection of participants & input.

We have acquired deep experience & expertise in this special domain, ranging from co-developing and applying international scenario frameworks (e.g. IPCC, IPBES, UNEP) across multiple scales to developing science & innovation strategies. We frequently devise concepts and publish scientifically- such as STIR: stakeholder integrated research.

Stakeholder mapping & analysis

“Understanding the human ecosystem for your organisation or project is a vital element for engaging stakeholders successfully. We apply a specific method for this purpose: Prospex- CQI.

We systematically categorize and map groups of parties involved. For deeper engagement, selections of specific persons may be needed. Prospex-CQI provides a robust, tested and methodological manner to this end.

Analyzing the systemic relations between groups of stakeholders, topics and your organisation & project we deepen the understanding and apply it to inform the engagement strategy and specific engagement activities.”


Our consultants have applied the Prospex approach with e.g.




Prospex International GmbH
Münzstrasse 12
10178 Berlin, Germany
+49 30 235 97719